From Allen: 12-31-12
Hey, it was really
great to talk to you on Sunday and to hear that you are all doing good, even
though I only got to talk to everyone for like 2 minutes. I guess not a lot of
people follow the 40 minute rule, because most people were talking to their
families like all day that day. That’s okay I think I try to follow it anyways.
This past week me and
my comp are doing great we have some great investigators we have a baptism this
Saturday with a lady that we have been teaching. And we have another one on the
19th if the husband can come to church these next couple weeks. The wife is
awesome and she loves church and stuff only he has problems with why the people
who aren`t looking for god have good lives and he is having problems so we have
to find a way to help him understand that. And I thought we had figured it out
but the way we answered his question it didn´t really work cause he still had
the same problem. hopefully we can
figure it out and he can get baptized cause his wife wants to its all ways on
him though cause they say they don`t want to be going to like a bunch of
different places and worshiping and stuff so hopefully we can get him to feel
the spirit enough to do what he need to do.
Other than that really
we haven`t had a lot else this week, we have this one teenager kid who loves
coming with us and he loves the gospel. I can`t wait for him to be a missionary
cause he is going to be great. His name is Emilio Guzman he helps us a lot in
lessons and he knows pretty much all of the investigators and recent converts
and everything.
One good scripture I
like about the spirit is in D&C 8:2-3 about how we have the same spirit as Moses
that he used to part the red sea and all we need to do is to believe and that
have the faith that he did. It’s kind of weird how everything in the gospel
comes back to faith cause you can`t read or pray without faith and you can`t
really do anything cause faith the action of doing anything the gospel and
without it we have literally nothing. That’s something that we can never stress
enough in missionary work cause the people can listen to us and read the
scriptures and go to church, but really without prayer we literally cannot receive
an answer or a feeling or nada really. So faith is the thing that the whole
gospel revolves around.
Elder Cox